14 / 12 / 21
Christmas is almost upon us.
We're still open though until 2pm on Thursday 23rd December, so there is still plenty of time to get your scrap weighed in. Don't forget, all customers who weigh in before Christmas get entered into our £250 cash prize draw.
We will be reopening at 8am on Tuesday 4th January.
We would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to welcoming you back in 2022!
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25 / 05 / 21
We're open as normal on Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday 8am-12pm.
We are CLOSED on Monday, then we reopen on Tuesday the 1st June at 8am.
Hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend.
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27 / 04 / 21
We're open as normal on Friday 8am-5pm and Saturday 8am-12pm.
We are CLOSED on Monday, then we reopen on Tuesday the 4th at 8am.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
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31 / 03 / 21
We're taking a well deserved rest this Easter so we'll be closed over the holiday period.
Our gates will be closing at 5pm on Thursday the 1st and reopening at 8am on Tuesday the 6th.
Hope you all have a great break.
Keep safe.
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16 / 12 / 20
It's nearly Christmas in this most testing of years.
We're still trading though until lunch time on Wednesday the 23rd so there's still plenty of time to weigh in your scrap.
What's more, all customers who weigh in before Christmas get entered into a £250 cash prize draw!!
If you can't make it this year no worries, we'll be opening again at 8am on Monday the 4th of January.
Considering the circumstances, we hope you all have a great Christmas and a fantastic New Year (lets hope it's better than 2020!)
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07 / 11 / 20
As part of the waste recycling industry, we are classed as key workers.
Therefore we will be opening as normal throughout the lockdown.
Our opening hours are:-
8am - 5pm Monday - Friday
8am - 12pm Saturday
To keep everybody Covid safe, we're using face coverings and a 2 meter distancing policy.
Thank you for your cooperation in these testing times
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18 / 12 / 19
Not long to go now until the Christmas Holidays, but don't worry there's still time to get weighed in!!
We're opening 8am to 2pm on Monday the 23rd of December.
We'll be back in at 7.30am on Thursday the 2nd of January.
If we don't see you before, have a great Christmas and here's to a prosperous New Year.
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02 / 12 / 19
It's that time of year again!!
To celebrate the run up to Christmas we're having our annual Christmas Prize Draw.
For your chance to win £250 cash, or one of our other great prizes, just come down to the yard this month and get weighed in.
So call in to Trinity Metals to win fab prizes and get paid great prices.
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17 / 04 / 19
The long weekend is nearly here so get weighed in tomorrow to get some dosh for the break.
We'll be closing on Thursday at 5pm and opening up again on Tuesday morning at 7:15
Hope you all have a great Easter.
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18 / 12 / 18
We will be taking a break over the Christmas season so our gates
will close at 12pm on Saturday the 22nd of December.
We open again at 7am on Wednesday the 2nd of January.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and wish you a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year
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10 / 12 / 18
The year has flown by and Christmas is upon us once again which can mean only one thing.....the famous Trinity Metals Christmas Tombola has started!!
From now until the 22nd get weighed in for a chance to win one of our instant prizes or our top prize of £250 cash!!
So come on down to Trinity Metals this December for top prices, top prizes.
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16 / 07 / 18
Many congratulations to our World Cup prize draw winners and a big thank you to all those who took part, we really appreciate your custom.
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14 / 06 / 18
Weigh in at Trinity Metals during the World Cup for your chance to win lots of CA$H PRIZES!!
Everyday you weigh in over £10's worth of scrap you get to pick out a ticket from the hat. Each ticket represents a player or team in the tournament giving you the chance to win one of these fantastic cash prizes:-
Golden Boot Winner £200
Winning Team £100
Losing Finalist £25
Player with the most Yellow Cards £25
Worst Performing Team £25
Pick a Goalkeeper and get an instant win of £5
So come on down to Trinity Metals today where everyone's a winner.
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04 / 05 / 18
We're open as normal on Friday 7am-5pm and Saturday 8am-12pm,
then we reopen on Tuesday the 8th at 7am.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
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28 / 03 / 18
We're having a well deserved break over the Easter weekend, hope you guys are too.
We will be closing at 5pm on Thursday the 29th and opening again at 7:15am on Tuesday the 3rd.
Have a great Easter!!
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22 / 12 / 17
It's time to close our doors for the Christmas shutdown but just before we do we've pulled a ticket out of the hat for our £250 prize draw and the winner is................ Michael Whitehead!!
Congratulations Michael, spend it wisely.
Many thanks to all our customers, we hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year.
See you in 2018!!
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18 / 12 / 17
Only 1 week left before Christmas is once again upon us!!
We close for the holidays at 5pm on Friday the 22nd of December and then
re open at 7:30am on Tuesday the 2nd of January.
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05 / 12 / 17
The countdown to Christmas has started here at Trinity Metals with our famous festive Trinity tombola.
We've lots of instant prizes to give away plus one lucky cutomer will walk away with £250 cash!!
So come on down to the yard this month, get weighed in and get lots of dosh for all those Christmas presents on your shopping list.
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14 / 06 / 17
Apologies to anyone trying to call us today but we are having some work done on the lines and unfortunately they will be down for a few hours. We hope this doesn't cause any inconvenience but normal service will resume shortley. If you need us in the meantime we are still responding to email.
Many thanks.
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10 / 04 / 17
We will be taking a well earned rest over the Easter weekend so we will
close at 5pm on Thursday the 13th and then reopen at 7am on Tuesday the 18th.
Hope you all have a great Easter!!
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16 / 02 / 17

We're proud to be one of the sponsors for Wakefield Trinity this season.
Who's betting on a top 5 finish?
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05 / 01 / 17
Happy New Year everybody, here's hoping it's a good one for you all.
Our customer, Steven Townsend, is having a great start to 2017. He's the winner of our Christmas Prize Draw and he gets £250 cash!!! Congratulations Steven, hope it comes in handy.
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06 / 12 / 16
Our Christmas prize draw is up and running!!
Get weighed in for your chance to win lots of instant prizes plus there's £250 cash for the winning ticket drawn at the end of the month.
Trinity Metals top PRIZES top PRICES.
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16 / 11 / 16
We have several clean steel oil drums for sale (some with lids), a bargain at £5 each.
Call or send us a message for further details.
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11 / 07 / 16
So a month of European football comes to an end.
Congratulations Portugal on winning the cup ( but not for playing the most exciting football).
A massive congratulations also to Mark Blackburn, winner of the £250 cash prize on our Euro 2016 Golden Boot Prize Draw. Spend it wisely buddy!
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10 / 06 / 16
Weigh in during the Euro 2016 tournament for your chance to win up to £250 CA$H!!!
Every day you weigh in you get to pick out a numbered ticket from the hat. The number on the ticket will match with one of the players in the Panini Euro 2016 sticker book. If that player gets the golden boot at the end of the tournament we’ll give you £250 CA$H!!!
“But what if my player is a goal keeper?” I hear you say.
No problem, if you pick out a goal keeper you instantly win a £TENNER!!!
And that’s not all, 24 tickets in the draw are for the teams competing in the tournament. If you pick out the team that wins Euro 2016 we’ll give you £50 CA$H!!!
Everyone’s a winner at Trinity Metals.
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21 / 03 / 16
This Easter we will be open on Good Friday 7am - 5pm and then close until
7am on Tuesday the 29th.
Have a great Easter!
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22 / 02 / 16
Bright Wire £2.85 per kilo
Lead £0.90 per kilo
Brass £1.85 per kilo
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04 / 01 / 16
Happy New Year and a huge thank you to everybody that used our services in 2015.
Also massive congratulations to Neil Ibbetson who collected his £250 Christmas Draw winnings today!!
Here's hoping to a very prosperous 2016 for all.
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01 / 12 / 15
Christmas is almost here once again which can mean only one thing...yup it's Trinity Metals Tombola Time!!
All this month, up to th 23rd, we'll have lots of prizes up for grabs including a cash prize of £250 for one of our lucky customers!!
So get weighed in at Trinity Metals this December and make Christmas great.
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14 / 08 / 15
Have you weighed in yet this month?
We're giving away £250 cash to one lucky customer weighing in during August and there's lots of other prizes up for grabs!!
And the more scrap you bring in, the more chances you get to win the prizes.
It's always a good time to weigh in at Trinity Metals.
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11 / 05 / 15
Thornes Juniors U8's are double cup winners!!
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02 / 04 / 15
Over the holiday period our opening hours will be:-
Good Friday - 7am to 5pm
Saturday - Closed
Easter Sunday - Closed
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - 7am to 5pm
Hope you all have a fantastic Easter.
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18 / 02 / 15
Trinity Metals are very proud to announce that we now sponsor Thornes Juniors F.C U8’s.
We believe sport is very important for youngsters health, development and future and it’s
essential that the local community supports our young peoples growth and improvement.
We'll keep you updated on the teams excellent run of form.
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23 / 12 / 14
We have a winner of our Christmas cash give away!
Congratulations to Nathan McPhail who recieved £250 from us this afternoon.
Thank you to everyone who weighed in this year with us, we genuinely appreciate your custom.
Here's to a fantastic 2015!!
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18 / 12 / 14
Christmas is almost here!!
We will be closing for our Christmas break on Tuesday the 23rd of December at 5pm and reopening on Monday the 5th of January.
There's still lots of prizes up for grabs in the Christmas Lucky Dip and the prize draw for £250 cash will take place on the 23rd.
There's never been a better time to get weighed in at Trinity Metals.
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08 / 12 / 14
Get weighed in at Trinity Metals this December and make your Christmas great!
Have a go at our Lucky Dip for your chancee to win £250 Cash plus many more prizes in our Christmas Tombola.
Trinity Metals - It's money in the bank.
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14 / 10 / 14
Come and celebrate our first anniversary with us.
Have a go at our Lucky Dip with the chance to win CASH PRIZES plus lots more!!
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06 / 10 / 14
As well as sponsoring the British Combat Academy from Horbury Bridge we are now proud sponsors of the Reporter Series 2014 Football Tournament.
Good luck to all involved.
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21 / 03 / 14
New Loyalty Card Scheme introduced.
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20 / 03 / 14
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